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Eich helpu i deithio'n annibynnol

Cynlluniau ar gyfer Teithio Annibynnol

Rydym yn gweithio ar fentrau newydd i helpu ein cwsmeriaid ag anghenion ychwanegol i deithio'n gyfforddus, yn ddiogel ac mor annibynnol â phosibl.

Darganfyddwch fwy am gynlluniau fel The Sunflower Lanyard,   Cynllun Waled Oren, Canllaw sain teithio â chymorth ac Ap dehongli BSL.

A passenger at a service desk talking to a member of TfW staff
A passenger at a service desk talking to a member of TfW staff

Initiatives for independent travel

We're working on new initiatives to help our customers with additional needs travel comfortably, safely and as independently as possible.

Find out more about schemes such as The Sunflower Lanyard, Orange Wallet Scheme, Assisted travel audio guide and BSL interpretation app.


Yma i helpu

Manylion cyswllt trenau

Popeth o gynllunio eich taith i drefnu cymorth neu wneud cwyn, 'ryn ni ar gael i helpu.

Manylion cyswllt bysiau

Angen help? O drefnu taith i wybodaeth am docynnau, gall ein tîm cysylltiadau cwsmeriaid helpu.